Installation and Initial Configuration Guide
To identify and correct any problems that occur during setup, answer the
questions and take the appropriate actions as indicated. The problems
listed below will take place before or during the period when the operational
code is loaded, if at all. For problems that occur after the
operational code is loaded, see pages Figure 2-1 through Table 2-8.
See LED Indicators for the locations of the LEDs.
On the IBM 2212, are all LEDs off?
- Yes: There is no ac source voltage.
- Disconnect the power cord from the outlet.
- Check the power source.
- Ensure that the power cord is attached correctly to the IBM 2212.
- Reconnect the power cord to the outlet.
- If the problem is not corrected, contact your service
- No: Go to the next question.
On the IBM 2212, are all system card and service port LEDs on?
Note: | If you have a high-performance system card you do not have service port
- Yes: There is a problem with the bootstrap code.
Contact your service representative.
- No: Go to the next question.
On the system card, is the system card status yellow LED on and system
card status green LED off?
- Yes: There is a fault in the card.
- Disconnect the power cord from the outlet.
- Reseat the card.
- Reconnect the power cord to the outlet.
- If the problem is not corrected, contact your service
- No: Go to the next question.
On the system card, is the service port status yellow LED on and
system card status green LED on?
Note: | If you have a high-performance system card you do not have service port
- Yes: Memory tests are in progress.
- If the LED remains on, contact your service representative and report
that DRAM is defective.
- No: Go to the next question.
On the system card, is the system card status green LED off?
- Yes: The green LED is switched on by the operational
- If the green LED fails to come on after a few minutes1, contact your service representative.
- No: Go to the next question.
Are the system card status green and yellow LEDs and service port
green and yellow LEDs blinking?
Note: | If you have a high-performance system card you do not have service port
- Yes: Contact your service representative.
- No: Go to the next question.
On the system card, is the system card status green LED blinking, the
system card status yellow LED on, and the service port green LED on?
Note: | If you have a high-performance system card you do not have service port
- Yes: The operational software cannot be loaded from the
hard drive or compact flash.
The procedure to follow when the yellow system card status LED is on and
the green system card status LED is blinking is documented in the first MAP in
the 2212 Access Utility Service and Maintenance Manual. This procedure explains that the code image is corrupted or the hard
drive or compact flash is defective, and what to do.
- If the problem is not corrected after following the procedures in the
Maintenance Guide, contact your service representative.
- No: Go to the next question.
On the system card, is any PMC status yellow LED on?
- Yes: There is a fault in the PMC card.
Contact your service representative.
- No: Go to the next question.
On the system card, is any integrated WAN port yellow LED on?
- Yes: There is a fault in the system card.
- Disconnect the power cord from the outlet.
- Reseat the system card.
- Reconnect the power cord to the outlet.
- If the problem is not corrected, contact your service
- No: Go to the next question.
On the system card, is the Hard Drive 1 status LED on?
- Yes: There is a fault in the compact flash.
- Disconnect the power cord from the outlet.
- Remove the system card.
- Reseat the compact flash.
- Reseat the system cad.
- Reconnect the power cord to the outlet.
- If the problem is not corrected, contact your service
- No: Go to the next question.
On the system card, is the Hard Drive 2 status LED on?
- Yes: There is a fault on the hard drive.
- Disconnect the power cord from the outlet.
- Reseat the system card.
- Reconnect the power cord to the outlet.
- If the problem is not corrected, contact your service
- No: Go to the next question.
Are any of the slot status yellow
LEDs (on the rear of the IBM 2212) on?
- Yes: There is a fault in the card that corresponds with
the yellow slot status LED that is on.
- Disconnect the power cord from the outlet.
- Reseat the card.
- Reconnect the power cord to the outlet.
- If the problem is not corrected, contact your service
- No: Go to the next question.
On any adapter, is any port yellow LED on?
- Yes: There is a fault in the card.
- Disconnect the power cord from the outlet.
- Reseat the card.
- Reconnect the power cord to the outlet.
- If the problem is not corrected, contact your service
- No: Go to the next question.
If the problem is not corrected after you follow all the steps
- Reset the IBM 2212 by following the procedure in Resetting the IBM 2212. More information about the Reset button is also
available in Reset Button.
If the box still does not boot, and if you have answered
no to every question in this list, contact your
service representative.
- 1
A simple configuration will take 1.5 minutes to load. A more
complex configuration or one including APPN will take longer.
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